Gordon College–A Dynamic Vision

2014_New_Lane_Mural-9998When students get their mail or visit Gillies Lounge in Lane Student Center, they now see a new mural created by students in an introductory painting class at Gordon.

Tanja Butler, associate professor of art and the director of the project, explains the imagery:

“The dynamic vitality of the Gordon community, the momentum of growth and engaged service embedded in its history as an institution, and the experience of individual students are represented in this this mural. Selected architectural structures organize the design—the jewel-like Boston skyline, Frost Hall, the Gordon Chapel, gothic arches representing the foundational history of Christian culture.

2014_Art_Class_Mural-9641“Aspects of Gordon community life are depicted: the study of the sciences and the arts, conversations over coffee, athletics, mentoring relationships, and worship. Students photographed imagery and collaged visual elements over an abstracted configuration of architectural shapes. These structures hover over an atmospheric background of silhouettes of musical instruments, lacrosse sticks, and scientific formulae. The composition leads the viewer from an urban setting representing our surrounding culture, through the initiation process of La Vida, into a momentous curve depicting the process of growth and assimilation, ending with firm affirmations of faith and movement outward and upward.”

Students participating were Julie Boglisch, Jaimie Dibernardo, Julia Glatfelter, Sara-Jean Lapitan, Kate Ober, David Popa, Katelynn Riggs, Samuel Spellman and Emma Wagner.