Olyvia Shaw ’21 on Performing in Sight & Sound Theatre’s Biblical Show, Daniel

Olyvia Shaw ’ 21 studied theatre arts at Gordon and is currently starring in Daniel, the latest original show by Sight & Sound Theatres. We sat down to ask Olyvia what life is like working full time as an actor.
Loving Our Neighbors: Lessons in Compassion from Sophia Offerdahl’s ’24 Northeast Arc Internship

During her Northeast Arc internship, Sophia Offerdahl ’24 learned life-changing lessons in compassion from individuals with developmental disabilities. Discover how this experience reshaped her faith and inspired her to pursue global disability advocacy.
Exciting Updates at Gordon

With a remarkable 14 percent increase in enrollment from last year, Gordon has proudly welcomed 431 new first-year, transfer and international students, setting the stage for an exciting academic year ahead.
Power Play for the Community: Joelle Brown ’24’s Bruins Foundation Internship

Newly minted alumna Joelle Brown ’24 finished a six-month internship with the Boston Bruins Foundation earlier this summer, a nonprofit that seeks to serve not only its fans but the entire Boston community.
Gordon College’s Guide to Orientation

Gordon’s Orientation is coming up soon! Learn more about what happens at Orientation and why it is so important with our quick guide.