A Modern Day Renaissance Man

Damon DiMauro

In a narrow hallway between the quiet study room and the Writing Center on the fourth floor of Jenks Library, a few sleepy offices overlook the quad. In one of these, Dr. Damon DiMauro prepares for his unique French and Italian classes and writes articles on Renaissance literature.

Paving the Way for Women in Sports

Val Gin

Nestled up on the third floor of the Ken Olsen Science Center, Professor Valerie Gin advises students, plans lectures, and as of late, writes notable books.

T.S. Eliot at Ground Zero: Professor Bruce Herman and Colleagues Take QU4RTETS to Hiroshima

Now in Hiroshima: QU4RTETS, a traveling exhibition featuring paintings by Makoto Fujimura and Bruce Herman, an original piano and string quartet composition by Christopher Theofanidis, and theological reflections by Duke professor and pianist Jeremy Begbie. Hiroshima was the first city in history to be… Read More

Remembering Bruce Webb, Emeritus Professor of Economics and Business

Bruce Webb, Emeritus Professor of Economics and Business at Gordon, died early Monday morning at his home, of cancer. Prof. Webb, who came to Gordon in 1977, received his B.A. and M.A. from Northeastern University, and his Ph.D. from… Read More

Dorothy Boorse in Christianity Today Publication: The Death of a Whale Means Life for Generations

What happens when an 18-foot, multi-ton whale dies? Ocean life gets a grand, unexpected, decades-long feast. On a recent field trip to nearby Gloucester, Massachusetts, biology professor Dr. Dorothy Boorse and her students stumbled upon this very scene…. Read More