Seeing Cleveland through an Intern’s Eyes

“Before heading into my second year at Gordon, I wanted to get a good look into the medical world (specifically the hospital environment) to confirm that studying biology was, in fact, the right thing for me.”
Biology Major Researches Kidney Transplants at Duke University Lab
This summer, Verna Curfman ’17 (biology) joined forces with renowned scientist and transplant surgeon Dr. Stuart Knechtle of Duke University School of Medicine to understand why the human body sometimes rejects transplanted organs, despite desperately needing them. What… Read More
Surveying Streams and Wrangling Fish with the U.S. Forest Service

When Josh McLaughlin ’17 found himself face down in snorkel gear and a dry suit, plucking mussels from the bed of the John Day River in Oregon, he wasn’t simply taking a mud bath.
Investigating Inflammation at Beth Israel

This summer, several student-faculty teams are tackling research projects in the arts and sciences—from asthma to accounting audits, bilingualism and women in leadership.
Karina Scavo ’13: Continuing Creation Care

Karina Scavo ’13 was granted a prestigious National Science Foundation graduate student fellowship and, in her second year as a Ph.D. student at Boston University, is studying coral reef conservation and restoration in mangrove environments.