On Personality, Perception and Projection
This summer, several student-faculty teams are tackling research projects in the arts and sciences—from asthma to accounting audits, bilingualism and women in leadership. Some are funded through the Provost’s Summer Research Fellowships, and others are individual projects. Throughout… Read More
Investigating Inflammation at Beth Israel

This summer, several student-faculty teams are tackling research projects in the arts and sciences—from asthma to accounting audits, bilingualism and women in leadership.
Horns and Feathers: The Experience of Undergraduate Research
Kinesiology professor and French horn player Dr. Peter Iltis hails from a long line of talented musicians. When a movement disorder diagnosis threatened to curtail his playing, he set out to learn all he could. Now he is… Read More
Dorothy Boorse in Christianity Today Publication: The Death of a Whale Means Life for Generations

What happens when an 18-foot, multi-ton whale dies? Ocean life gets a grand, unexpected, decades-long feast. On a recent field trip to nearby Gloucester, Massachusetts, biology professor Dr. Dorothy Boorse and her students stumbled upon this very scene…. Read More
Measuring Social Reality: A Joint Effort

How do you know that Harrison Ford is actually cool? Is it because you personally think that of him, or is it because Star Wars is just so cool? Or maybe it’s because everyone you know thinks that… Read More