5 Best Questions to Ask College Admissions Counselors 

Choosing the right college is an important decision. There are a lot of factors to consider, like the size of the school, its location and the availability of majors and minors offered. So how do you know which college is right for you?  

College admissions counselors can play a critical role in helping you find the right fit. They are your personal connection to the college and can answer questions, address your concerns and guide you to campus resources. As you embark on your college search, consider asking an admissions counselor these five questions: 

1. What Is Unique About Your Institution?  

As you go through your college search, the information about all the different schools may start to blur together. You’ll probably hear lots of statistics, such as student-to-faculty ratios, average class sizes or the number of student clubs and organizations. While these numbers are important, you really want to get to the heart of what sets each school apart. Campus traditions vary from school to school and often tell you a good amount about student life and the community’s culture. Pro tip: Learn more about Gordon’s campus traditions on our student life page.   

2. What Financial Aid or Scholarship Opportunities Are Available? 

Another factor to consider during the college admissions process is how you will finance your education. Ask your admissions counselor how you can apply for financial aid or qualify for merit scholarships. There are sometimes unique and specific scholarship opportunities available based on your interests. Your college advisor at your high school is also a great resource for information about applying for financial aid and scholarships.

Make sure to check out the numerous scholarships offered by Gordon. You’ll automatically be considered for our merit scholarships when you apply, but some of our premier scholarships and special scholarships do require a separate application or audition.  

3. What Is the Most Memorable College Essay You’ve Read? 

Admissions counselors often read thousands of college essays each year, and there tend to be some common themes among them. Asking for college essay tips from admissions counselors is a great way to get a leg up and learn how to stand out from the crowd. Gordon doesn’t require an essay as part of our application requirements, but if you apply to Gordon’s Honors Institute, you may be required to submit one. 

4. Can You Connect Me with Current Students or Alumni? 

What’s even more beneficial than speaking to an admissions counselor? Talking to a current student or alum. Current students can give you an in-depth look at their daily lives; how much time they spend studying; how to get involved in campus clubs, organizations or athletics; or give you great off-campus recommendations for their favorite coffee shop, restaurant or fun activity. Alumni can give insight into how their college experience prepared them for their career or graduate studies. Get the inside scoop and connect with a current Gordon student today! 

5. Can You Give Me Examples of Internships, Study Abroad, Research or Other Experiential Learning Opportunities at Your School? 

Most colleges will have information about things like internships, studying abroad or experiential learning opportunities on their website. Take it one step further by asking for examples of these opportunities and how to pursue them. Learning outside the classroom will enhance your college experience and give you professional opportunities that other students may not have. One of Gordon’s distinctives, and an example of experiential learning, is a required outdoor education program part of the Core Curriculum and Gordon’s First-Year Experience. Ask your admissions counselor about Gordon’s Outdoor Education programs to learn more.  

Schedule a Visit to Gordon and Meet Your Admissions Counselor Today 

Need help figuring out who is your Gordon admissions counselor? Check out our Admissions Staff page to find your personal connection to Gordon. Our admissions team is friendly, welcoming and wants to learn more about you. You can meet them at Gordon if you come for a campus visit or schedule a virtual meeting with them. You may even run into them this fall as they travel around the country to high schools and college fairs. A lot of paper applications come across the desk of an admissions counselor, but meeting with you makes you jump off the page and leaves a lasting impression. Schedule your visit today!