Exciting Updates at Gordon

Gordon College celebrates a milestone today as it concludes Orientation for its largest incoming class in six years, signaling a dynamic phase of growth and momentum. With a remarkable 14 percent increase in enrollment from last year, Gordon has proudly welcomed 431 new first-year, transfer and international students, setting the stage for an exciting academic year ahead.

“We are thrilled to welcome such a large and qualified class of students to Gordon,” says interim VP for Enrollment Jessica Mireles. “This achievement reflects the relentless dedication of our admissions team, the transformative innovations happening at Gordon and the growing desire among students to be part of a Christ-centered community that shapes their future. We are excited to equip this new generation with the skills, confidence and character needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving world and to make a lasting impact.”

In addition to enrollment growth, Gordon is expanding and updating campus in many impressive ways:

Academic Innovation

  • Over the last year Gordon announced seven new schools that bring dedicated resources and expertise to continue preparing current and future students to thrive amid the demands of our changing world. 
  • Gordon’s commitment to academic innovation led to the development of over 35 new and reimagined academic programs in high-demand fields, such as science, business, psychology and communications.
  • New graduate-level certificates in public health professions and education are now available, with 4+1 pathway options for graduate degrees in education, public health and financial analysis.

Recognition and Partnerships

  • Princeton Review once again named Gordon one of the “Best 389 Colleges” and a “Best Value College.” U.S. News and World Report also recognized Gordon among the “Best National Liberal Arts Colleges.”  Gordon’s education program was once again named among the best in the nation by the National Council on Teacher Quality for preparing teachers to teach reading.
  • new partnership with North Shore Christian School provides Gordon education majors valuable, hands-on experience, allowing them to apply and practice the teaching methods they learn in class in real-world settings.
  • Gordon secured a grant to launch an innovative three-year initiative dedicated to enriching Christian spiritual formation and enhancing the student experience.
  • Gordon was honored to welcome students from Eastern Nazarene College, ensuring a smooth and seamless transition and helping them acclimate and fully integrate into the Gordon community.

Campus Updates

  • In its continuous effort to elevate the student experience, Gordon has proudly partnered with Metz Dining to enhance campus dinning.  The new contract brings increased and new food options and extended hours, ensuring that students have access to convenient dining choices throughout their day.
  • Improvements to the Bennett Athletic Center, including new athletic equipment and an updated weight room, will enhance and improve the student-athlete experience. 

Gordon’s recent advancements highlight and underscore its commitment to academic excellence and innovation, faith and student well-being. As fall classes begin on August 28, the College is positioned to embrace an exciting new chapter of growth and achievement.