
Gordon Biology Professor Receives Fulbright Scholarship

Professor of Biology Greg Keller has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for the Arctic Initiative for spring and summer 2018. The Arctic Initiative is a collaborative effort among researchers from North American and European Arctic nations to connect public policy and scientific research. Working across boarders on critical research, these Arctic Initiative Fulbright Scholars demonstrate a multilateral interdisciplinary approach to solving global challenges. In Dr. Keller’s research, entitled “Conservation Biology of Songbirds in Fragmented Iceland Landscapes,” he will focus on the habitat use, breeding behavior and parasite load of birds in woodland patches, with an emphasis on landscape-level patterns. In addition, he will work with colleagues at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik teaching a class on conservation biology at the university’s Department of Biology in the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences.

Dr. Keller joined the faculty in the Department of Biology at Gordon College in 2007 after teaching at Eastern New Mexico University, where he taught Wildlife Ecology. Dr. Keller holds a B.S. from Alma College, an M.A. from the College of William and Mary, and holds a Ph.D. in Ecology (with a Conservation Biology Emphasis) from Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Keller is the first Gordon professor to receive a Fulbright for the College.