Gordon College’s Guide to Orientation 

What exactly is Orientation, and why is it so important? For first-year students, Orientation is designed to ease the transition from high school to college. For transfer students, Orientation provides a chance to acclimate to a new environment, meet other transfer students and feel welcome on campus.  

We’re gearing up to welcome a new group of Fighting Scots to Gordon’s campus next week. Here’s a quick guide to student Orientation at Gordon College: 

When Does Orientation Take Place? 

Mark your calendars! Fall Orientation 2024 begins on Wednesday, August 21 for International Student Orientation. Friday, August 23 is Move-in Day. This is your day to get settled and start getting connected. In addition to having a good understanding of college basics, Orientation is a great time to have fun and start your Gordon experience with a few familiar faces around campus.  

Who Attends Orientation? 

Gordon offers Orientation for all new students, including both first-year and transfer students. Parents and families are invited to join Arrival/Move-in Day and Family Day on August 23–24. Events for families will occur throughout the day on Friday and on Saturday morning. A highlight for families is a service called the Gathering of Affirmation and Assurance. This is a service of worship and commitment that honors students and their families before God.  

How Do I Prepare for Orientation? 

  1. Make sure to complete your pre-Orientation tasks.  

Keep an eye on your email for important messages from the Orientation office! You may be stopped on Move-In Day to talk with certain college offices if your checklist is not complete. Don’t delay your move-in process: log in to your admissions portal today to start making arrangements and completing any remaining tasks.  

  1. Prepare a list of questions to ask. 

Student Orientation is one of the most convenient times to interact with faculty and staff. Since classes haven’t officially started yet, you’ll have their full attention. Not sure what to ask? Try asking some of these 19 Questions to Ask at Freshman Orientation.  

  1. Review Gordon’s packing list.  

Can’t decide what to bring and what to leave behind? Use Gordon’s packing list as a guide.  It also lets you know what items are not allowed in your residence hall.  

What Can I Expect During Orientation? 

We have a packed Orientation schedule for you! Make sure to download the app Sched and add the “Gordon 2024 Belong” schedule to your device. Here’s quick overview of your first few Orientation days: 

  • Friday, August 23 | Move-in Day: Move in, meet your Orientation crew and discover campus. 
  • Saturday, August 24 | Family Day: Morning parent and family sessions, Celebration of Affirmation and Assurance and Orientation kick-off.  
  • Sunday, August 25 | North Shore Day: A chance to worship and reflect; settle into campus and choose from low-key activities and social experiences on-campus and locally (transportation provided).   
  • Monday, August 26 | Academic Day: Academic sessions, meet faculty members, academic advising and schedule check. 
  • Tuesday, August 27 | Campus Life and Wellness Day: Where faith, learning and living come to life. Includes a cookout on the Quad and annual Campus Jobs Connections Fair. 
  • Wednesday, August 28 | First Day of Classes: A day of firsts! Your first day of classes, first Chapel, first syllabus and (probably!) first homework assignment. 

Why Does Attending Orientation Matter? 

You’re about to embark on a major life change. College marks a time in your life where you’ll learn critical skills, like independence, self-advocacy and critical thinking. There’s a lot of new information to remember and digest. Spending your Orientation days making friends and getting to know other students, connecting with faculty and staff, learning about the services provided by the College, confirming you’re in the correct classes and signing up for clubs and activities will help set you up for success during the academic year. Orientation is a great time to learn the lay of the land, locate your classes and get adjusted before the school year starts.  

Get Ready for Gordon Orientation 2024!  

We are so excited to welcome new students to campus for Orientation and are busy preparing many details for your arrival. Make sure to check out our Fall Orientation page for more information for parents and families, international students and the full Orientation schedule. If you’re coming from a distance from Gordon, you may also want to check out resources like information on local accommodations, directions and our campus map, as well as our local area guide. We can’t wait to welcome you to Gordon!