This installment is part of a regular devotional series, “Deepening the Faith,” written by Gordon faculty and staff for the enrichment of the wider College community.
Gordon’s Bible Translation Program inducted its first cohort of students. They come from a variety of academic disciplines, but are united in their common desire to serve God and other people on an international level.
Gordon College launches two new podcasts—Honest Work and Boardroom Bound—to ground and propel listeners in their career journeys.
Convocation: Parting the Seas of Partisan Politics “Incivility in politics is nothing new,” said Michael Wear, founder of Public Square Strategies, LLC. As the 30-year-old who was responsible for President Barack Obama’s faith outreach during the 2012 reelection… Read More
This installment is part of a regular devotional series, “Deepening the Faith,” written by Gordon faculty and staff for the enrichment of the wider College community.