Gordon College Theatre Department’s fall play tackles political war drama about Afghanistan. The show is directed by Professor of Theatre Arts Jeffrey Miller and runs October 27-28, 31 and November 1–4, 2017.
Former Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) and former Congressman and UN Ambassador Tony Hall (D-OH) discussed their struggles and victories with navigating politics as people of faith at a recent “Conversations with the President” event.
Despite it being the fourth year of cold rain for Homecoming and Family Weekend, this year’s festivities once again united Gordon in a weekend of celebration.
Dr. Steven Hunt, professor of New Testament, taught his new class “Romans in Rome” for the first time this summer as a part of the Gordon IN Orvieto program.
Dr. Ken Bishop ’98 is a Gordon alumnus, a professor at Brown University and a doctor. As an oncologist, Dr. Bishop has devoted much of his life to studying “the big c,” and he’s coming to Gordon several… Read More