Imaris Loja ’21, who studied computer science at Gordon and now works at MassMutual as an information security consultant, speaks about her job working in cybersecurity and her passion for computer science.
Mason Cummins ’27 made a film for a Communications 101 class that won one of only 30 Awards of Excellence at the annual Broadcast Education Association Festival of Media Arts—the largest national contest of student film projects in the nation, despite the fact he was a first-year student in a 100-level class with an entry-level assignment.
At a Center for Faith and Inquiry (CFI) event on Tuesday, March 26, Dr. Michelle Loyd-Paige—author of The Diversity Playbook and a 30-year veteran in the diversity education field—talked about the different levels of diversity, the struggles against it and how to practically take action to establish it.
There are many picture-worthy spots at Gordon College to take amazing photos at year-round. Here are our top five places to snap some great campus pics.
Abigail Butt ’05, M.Sc., Ph.D., studied psychology at Gordon and is now the director of the Lincoln Council on Aging & Human Services. We sat down with her to ask about her job working in a government municipality and her passion for helping people.