The votes are in, and the new 2015–2016 Gordon College Student Government has been decided. More than 1,000 Gordon students participated in the March 3 election, marking the largest turnout in GCSG election history. Congratulations to the winners! Representatives-at-Large:… Read More
The TED-talk style event included more than 10,000 participants in 65+ locations worldwide engaging in discussions on how to “empower learning and collaboration in one’s respective community.”
Like Hollywood’s star-studded Golden Globes, Campus Events Council (CEC) hosts the annual Gordon Globes to recognize and award a slew of exceptional student films from seven different categories.
Gordon’s student improv group took 2nd place in the 10th annual College Comedy Festival and Beanpot Tournament hosted by ImprovBoston.
“Users and developers of OSS share and grow ideas intentionally together, including in person. One developer spoke quite eloquently of a ‘real Acts 2 vibe’ and companionship.” So writes Karl-Dieter Crisman, associate professor of mathematics, in “Open Source Software… Read More