“I actually made a difference. My research is leading to healing for many who are suffering. I know more than ever that I want to be a doctor. And I now understand how to do that in a way that honors the Lord, thanks to Dr. Cornwell.”
“There is a thread of Christian community that crosses the oceans. When you meet a Christian in another place, you automatically have that connecting point as brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s a humbling reminder that none of us are meant to do this alone.”
“I came to Gordon because God lives here, and people love me for who I am. In learning about myself, I’ve realized how much I need the gospel and that I don’t have to be the superhero all the time. I owe love to others, and that’s enough.”
Gordon introduces a renewed visual and message identity that encapsulates a reimaging of how the College delivers on its core promises to students.
Kaye Cook (psychology) was awarded a $275,000 Templeton subgrant through Frank Fincham of the Florida State University Research Center to study experiences of divine forgiveness using diverse methods and in diverse countries.