Why Go to a Christian College? 5 Incredible Benefits 

Going to college is a big step that helps define who you become as you set out into adult life. Your major, your friends and the interests you develop at college are instrumental in directing the course of your life and career. Do you want your Christian faith to be a core part of that process? Developing your faith alongside your academics at a Christian college is a unique experience you can carry into your professional life. Here are a few of the benefits of going to a Christian college.  

1. Faith is Integrated into Academics 

A Christian college isn’t just about signing a statement of faith or even attending Chapel. Instead, faith is integrated in all academic disciplines. For example, Gordon requires a few core classes for every major that integrate faith into their area of study. Scientific Enterprise helps students explore the connections between science and faith, while Person in the Psychological Context explores human psychology from a Christian perspective. Upper-level classes in many majors integrate biblical beliefs, ethics or perspectives into their class discussions. This is one of the best reasons to go to a Christian college—it will change the way you experience learning. 

2. Community is Based on Shared Faith 

If you are looking for a rich community full of people who share your faith, you should go to a Christian college! Gordon is remarkably diverse in its student body, with over 25 countries of origin and 50 Christian denominations represented, making it easy to live a vibrant student life on campus.  

Programs like the International Student Office (ISO) run one Chapel service every semester in which they incorporate styles of worship from around the world. God’s Chosen Gospel Choir and the Heart of David dance ministry are other examples of the variety of worship styles and faith communities active at Gordon. There are Catholic and Orthodox student clubs, as well as many other extracurriculars to try out, all permeated with the College’s commitment to faith.  

3. Character Development is Paramount 

Because it is a Christian college, Gordon is not only concerned with your academic growth; many faculty and staff are involved in character development and mentorship, and campus is full of resources and opportunities for you to grow. This focus on helping you develop as a whole person is another great reason to go to a Christian college.  

Living in a dorm with staff who will mentor you, connect you with others and hold you accountable is one of the best ways to experience character development. Gordon also has a unique growth opportunity in its outdoor education center, La Vida. This program allows you to participate in high ropes courses or backpacking trips in the Adirondack Mountains to help you get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. It’s hard not to develop character when you’re living in God’s creation for over a week! 

4. Get Ready for Your Personal Faith to Grow 

Another benefit of going to a Christian college is the way it encourages growth in your personal faith. If you are looking to be discipled into a deeper relationship with God, Gordon offers many resources for spiritual formation, including Chapel, prayer rooms, Bible studies with friends and mentors among the Chapel Office staff.  

Recent graduate Tiana Fox ‘24 says, “Going to Gordon allowed me to see very clearly what it looks like to live out your faith at all levels in an environment outside of the church. Essentially, it showed me how to love God in the midst of everyday life.” Developing your personal faith in the spaces and with the resources a Christian college provides prepares you to live out your faith beyond college life. 

5.  Focus on Calling and Vocation 

Why attend a Christian college when you want to focus on your career? The benefits of academic and faith integration extend into your professional life. At Gordon professors and advisors will help you build an academic program that suits your calling. Christian colleges have the perspective that your faith and your work are intertwined.  

This can be seen firsthand in the way Gordon’s professors help you think through how you can serve others well throughout your professional life. Additionally, at Gordon’s Career and Connection Institute, there are staff who will walk alongside you and offer help as you prepare for job interviews, create a resume and seek out professional mentors.  

Get a Christian College Experience at Gordon 

Integrating academics and Christian faith within a supportive, caring community is an important part of the mission of Christian colleges. If you’re wondering, “Should I go to a Christian college?” or if you have specific questions about what Gordon’s community looks like, talk to an admissions counselor today or connect with a current student.  

Emily Jones ’24, English Language and Literature