Gordon Celebrates 132nd Commencement
On Saturday, May 11, 2024, Gordon College honored the Class of 2024 during its 132nd Commencement ceremony on the quad. Bachelor’s degrees were conferred on 292 undergraduate students, 136 of whom graduated with honors, and 119 advanced degrees were given to graduate students, including the inaugural graduate cohort for the Master of Public Health. For many graduating seniors this ceremony held particular importance, as the onset of the global pandemic four years ago cancelled or altered their high school graduation ceremonies.

In his address, President Michael Hammond urged graduates to be confident in their preparedness for the workplace and graduate school, but also to remember the character and spiritual formation they experienced. “There was a time when [faith and learning] was a common mission among colleges and universities, but many institutions of higher learning have surrendered to . . . push faith away from reason, moral development away from intellect, and the heart away from the mind,” he said. And yet, at Gordon “you have been challenged to consider the good, the beautiful, and the true . . . These virtues require the particular seeking of wisdom that comes when you join heart and mind together, empowered by the Holy Spirit and informed by Scripture. And you have learned during your time at Gordon that this happens best in Christian community.”

Dr. Jen-Ling “James” Chen, founder of ChenMed, was awarded an honorary Doctor of Public Service, presented by Gordon’s Chair of the Board of Trustees Dr. Carrie Tibbles ’93, in recognition of Chen’s exceptional work and service. An accomplished physician and cancer survivor, Chen’s primary care practice brings cutting-edge, high quality preventive and primary care to diverse communities around the country.

The senior class gift of a fund focused on aiding the personal needs of students was presented by Caleigh Williams ’24.
The 2024 Junior Distinguished Faculty Award was presented to Greg Deddo, assistant professor of art. An RISD-trained interdisciplinary artist, Deddo primarily works in painting, photography and video. His work explores the nature of images and media as they relate to history, memory and identity. Deddo has exhibited in group and solo exhibitions across the county and internationally.
The Senior Distinguished Faculty Award was presented to Kaye Cook, professor of psychology and chair of the Department of Psychology. Her recent work, often conducted with students, focuses on the experiences of self, interpersonal and divine forgiveness across cultures and subcultures. She is active in the Association for Moral Education, where she previously served as president.

Siblings and Global Honors Scholars Abigail Dundore ’24 and Calvin Dundore ’24 were honored as Collegians of the Year for their significant contributions while attending Gordon. Among Abigail’s involvements were working for the Admissions Office and Orientation and participating in psychology research and community engagement. She was part of the Balkans Semester for the Study of War and Peace, the Civil Right Seminar and the Jerusalem and Athens Seminar in Orvieto. Calvin has been involved in the Community Engagement Office, prayer ministry, student government, admissions, Orientation, Business Club, La Vida and sustainability initiatives. He has interned with Gordon’s chief information officer and Pathways for Children.
During the Baccalaureate ceremony the evening prior, May 10, graduating students Kyla Lange ’24 and Aaron Wright ’24 offered reflections, and guests heard remarks from honorary doctorate recipient Chen.