Olyvia Shaw ’21 on Performing in Sight & Sound Theatre’s Biblical Show, Daniel
Olyvia Shaw ’ 21 studied theatre arts at Gordon. She currently stars in Daniel, the latest original show by Sight & Sound Theatres. This storytelling company brings biblically based stories to life that reveal the power of the Gospel on stage and screen. Since 1976 Sight & Sound has inspired over 30 million people with two live-theater venues and an online streaming platform, sight&soundtv. We sat down to ask Olyvia what life is like working full time as an actor.
How did you get involved with Sight & Sound shows?
I had never even heard of Sight & Sound until 2022 when my sister told me about a Christian theater in Pennsylvania. I saw their David production and immediately knew I wanted to be a part of it. I applied online, but since auditions had already passed, I wasn’t expecting anything. But then I got a call about a week later from the casting supervisor at their Branson, MO, location who said they’d love to see more. I was offered a contract to work for Sight & Sound for a whole year in their Queen Esther show! Then I auditioned for their next show, Daniel, and have been doing that since January.
What’s special about the roles you’ve played for far?

I love how Sight & Sound shows do a great job including women. Even though we know women were in the Bible and in history, they usually don’t get mentioned as often or in as much detail as men. My role in Queen Esther was as Queen Vashti. It’s not a huge role in terms of lines, but she lays the way for Esther by saying no to the king, and she probably died for her bravery.
In Daniel I play Queen Amytis, Nebachudnezzar’s wife. She’s not named in the Bible, but we know she was there in history. Our writers are so great at integrating historical facts with the Bible and making it all make sense while staying biblically grounded. The king and queen were actually deeply in love according to history; he built these massive gardens for her to enjoy. She had a great impact on the king and Babylon, even if we don’t see it in the Bible.
How is acting for Sight & Sound different from other shows you’ve done?

The stage is almost 180 degrees! Sight & Sound is known for their special effects, which the big stage helps bring to life. For example in their Moses production we get to see the Ten Commandments carved right into the stone and then cut from the mountain. We also have animal actors. We only use domesticated animals though; no real lions are onstage! Those are effects. Queen Amytis has a cat as a pet though, who I get to hold in my role. Daniel doesn’t have as many animals as some previous shows; their Jesus production has dozens of sheep and horses for the clearing of the temple scene!
Shows here can run two and half hours at a time over eight months, with 11 shows a week. Most Broadway shows only do eight a week. But they provide paid time off, which is amazing. That way if people are sick or away, we have multiple leads during the week so understudies and others can have a chance to perform and the lead actors don’t have to perform all 11 shows each week. It keeps the show new and fresh. It makes the year long run feel nice, since it’s not the exact same thing every day.
What’s a misconception you think people have about Christian theatre or media?
I think there’s a misconception that Christian art or theatre is poor quality. Not that every Christian production or film has been good. It’s really refreshing at Sight & Sound to have quality work that’s also biblically based. My favorite part of our day is our cast meetings before shows where we can hear feedback from audience members about how the show impacted them. Christian media across the board is starting to get better, but Sight & Sound has been a leader in quality Christian theatre and media for decades. I’m so excited the world is finally starting to discover them.
How did Gordon prepare you for your career?

Gordon is one of the best colleges with theater programs according to The Princeton Review, and it was definitely my favorite part of my college experience. Professors Jeff Miller and Norm Jones were incredible teachers and directors; they equipped me so well by teaching me the basics of acting and giving me opportunities to do shows alongside my learning. But the greatest thing they taught me was how to put God at the center of it all. Performing is hard to not make about yourself; after all, you’re the center of attention. But as Christians we need to find the line between playing a character and not doing it for your glory.
What are you excited for audiences to see in Daniel?
The visual effects of this show are bigger than anything they’ve done. It’s such a beautiful show; it shows off the splendor and colors of Babylon, how grand it was, how dominant they were. Daniel also does a good job of showing how we’re able to worship God while also respecting the laws of an ungodly world around us. Nebuchadnezzar also has a very powerful redemption arc; it’s a reminder that even if you think you’re too far gone, God still sees you and hears you and wants you and loves you.
I’m also super excited to announce that, for the first time ever, we’re streaming a show live into theatres on Labor Day weekend! Come watch me and the rest of the cast of Daniel at a movie theatre near you to see how awesome Sight & Sound is at bringing the Bible to life.