This installment is part of a regular devotional series, “Deepening the Faith,” written by Gordon faculty and staff for the enrichment of the wider College community.
A burden on Rosa Whitaker’s heart led her to become the first-ever assistant U.S. trade representative for Africa. Yesterday, this champion for U.S.-African economic relations shared her wisdom as part of Gordon’s Work Ahead: Ready for 2030 initiative.
To Jason Russell ’04, music is more than just something to listen to on the commute to work; it has the power to help people’s lives change for the better.
Lining the first floor hallway of KOSC is a series of paintings. At a glance, perhaps, it’s an odd place for art. But taking a moment to analyze the abstract swirls, lines and patterns, a viewer discovers a perfect picture of the liberal arts.
After three months of preparation, mentoring and collaboration, five teams of student entrepreneurs finally competed for $10,000 during the sixth annual Social Venture Challenge (SVC) on April 11.