According to Ranstad U.S., the financial services sector is growing at such a rate that there aren’t enough skilled workers to fill job vacancies.
“What’s God’s plan for my life?” It’s a daunting question, and one that re-appears over and over again as we move through changes and chapters in our lives. Read how three Gordon faculty and staff members approach the topic.
“What’s God’s plan for my life?” It’s a daunting question, and one that re-appears over and over again as we move through changes and chapters in our lives. Read how three Gordon faculty and staff members approach the topic.
“With the power of communication, you truly can change the world.” The Bell sat down with Communication Arts Department Chair Dr. Christine Gardner to learn what she loves about her field and get to know her better as an influencer at Gordon College.
Legend has it that a squirrel could travel from Georgia to Maine on nothing but the branches of American chestnut trees without ever touching the ground.