Steven Collis, chairman, president and CEO of AmerisourceBergen Corporation, shared his wisdom in a discussion with Gordon College President Michael Lindsay.
Utilizing interactive activities, films, lectures and even a march, Advocates for a Sustainable Future (ASF) continued Gordon’s history of going green with “Springfest.”
Last week, four teams went head-to-head in the fourth annual Social Venture Challenge at Gordon College, each vying for their share of the $10,000 prize money.
Gordon College participated in an open, across-the-aisle dialogue last week as the College Democrats and College Republicans held their first annual spring policy debate. Topics on the table: gun control and voter ID regulations.
Students in the Department of Music will host a used instrument drive on Saturday, May 6, 7 p.m. during the Annual Gordon College Department of Music Pops Concert, featuring the Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band. Admission to the concert will be free.