“My real presence was found in an ancient Italian town that was sculpted right from the mountain that it sits upon, and it is called Orvieto,” writes Theresa Sterling ’16.
“There are some deep connections between the structure math seeks to uncover and the creation that God has given,” says Dr. Dick Stout, Professor of Mathematics.
“What are you planning to do after you graduate?” The philosophy, English or history major is often asked this. The question is typically met with a hesitant pause, then perhaps a nervous laugh while they frantically search for… Read More
This post, by Roland Griggs ’15, originally appeared on the La Vida Center for Outdoor Education and Leadership’s blog. This past October, I found myself stepping off a plane into a new world and a new stage of… Read More
“Life is short,” says Sarah Snodgrass, director of local and global missions. “But we do have an obligation to use what we have been given well and wisely.”