On October 24, despite the chilly fall weather, droves of banner-wielding students descended on the Quad to participate in the 2nd Annual Highland Games, a student-run residence hall competition.
Dr. Jong-hun Bae, internationally recognized orchestra and opera conductor, joins the Gordon music community as director of the Gordon Symphony Orchestra.
At 6 a.m. on nearby Chebacco Lake, one of the only suitable freshwater locations for crew training in Massachusetts, you’ll find 18 to 20 Gordon students. They’re part of the newest GCSA club team: Gordon Rowing.
Armed with dehydrated food, water filters, zero-degree bivy sacks and bear spray, a group of adventurous Gordon students set out on a 17-day backpacking expedition as part of their W.I.L.D. Semester (Wilderness Immersion and Leadership Development).
“There is not one square inch of the entire creation about which Jesus Christ does not cry out, ‘This is mine! This belongs to me!’” – Abraham Kuyper (Dutch statesman and theologian) How is God moving in his… Read More