Meet two Social Venture Challenge finalists teams who are poised to make an impact here on the North Shore. On Thursday they go head-to-head with five other teams in the Final Showcase.
Seven student teams are preparing for the most entrepreneurial Social Venture Challenge finale yet. First, meet two teams who are developing creative plans to empower women in Africa.
“What would it look like for you to become disciplined with looking at the promises and big picture of God’s plan in your life?” writes Ireland Gibbs ’20.
Out of necessity, the world is “virtualizing” itself, which means there are new things to do on the internet. Here are some ways you can stay put and go somewhere.
When Elizabeth Mulley ’19 thinks about what it feels like to walk into the hospital as a nurse’s aide during this season of COVID-19, she likens it to some of her most nerve-wracking experiences as a La Vida sherpa.