Celebrating 130 years since its founding, Gordon College today unveiled Faith Rising: The Campaign for Gordon College, a five-year, comprehensive campaign to raise $130 million.
“Every one of us needs to become technologically capable regardless of the field that you’re participating in,” said Pat Gelsinger at a Work Ahead: Ready for 2030 event. “So the idea of lifelong education and re-education becomes the central thesis of what the next several decades of work will look like.”
Last April, the first picture of a black hole went viral. It was a low-res image of a bright yellow disc with a dark hole in the middle, similar in shape to a donut.
Gordon in Orvieto director Matt Doll’s new exhibition shows beauty in conflict and hope in honesty. It will be on display in Barrington Gallery during Homecoming, October 5.
Homecoming and Family Weekend 2019 will include visits from two special guests—Ian Morgan Cron hosting an Enneagram workshop, and David Leonard leading worship at the Homecoming Awards.