Dr. Dorothy Boorse on NPR’s “Open Source”: Why Climate Change is a Faith Issue

Professor of Biology Dorothy Boorse was one of four panelists on the June 11 NPR show “Open Source,” moderated by Christopher Lydon. The topic? Pope Francis’ upcoming encyclical on climate change, and how it might usher in a welcome shift in the public conversation about science and faith.

Lydon described Boorse as “a biologist who combines love of nature with love of God — and who’s been pitching American evangelicals on climate as a moral issue for years.” Also interviewed were Naomi Oreskes, advisor to the Vatican on climate, and author of the 2010 book Merchants of Doubt, an indictment of the tactics of oil companies. Sally Weintrobe, psychoanalyst, discussed the complex psychology of attitudes toward climate change. Paul Kingsnorth, a former eco-activist, rounded out the panel.

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