“Overflow with Hope” Devotional | April 13

Each Monday during this season of remote living and learning, the Chapel Office is sharing a devotional written by a member of the Gordon community.

By Madeleine Wiggins ’20

“The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic . . . The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever. The Lord gives strength to His people the Lord blesses His people with peace.” (Psalm 29:3–4, 10–11)

As I sit here reading this Scripture passage in a time of quarantine, social distancing, fear, anxiety, stress, chaos, pandemic and numerous unknowns throughout our society and the world, there is peace. Peace that transcends all understanding when you return to who God is and remember that he never changes, regardless of the circumstances you are in and what is going on around you. In the Psalm above, David is reminding us of God’s supreme sovereignty, his authority and his unfailing love for us.

I love the imagery that David mentions toward the end of the Psalm, that the Lord sits enthroned over the flood. During natural disasters and life events that are outside of our control and impact our society, nation and world, he is enthroned. When your classes are moved online, he is on his throne. When you move back home mid-semester, he is on his throne. When the world is in need of peace, he is on his throne. When churches come together and utilize technology to worship with one another amidst a pandemic, he is enthroned. When _______ happens, he is on his throne. How reassuring during the season that we are all in right now to be reminded that the Lord is enthroned over everything, now and forever!

Amid the uncertainty and unknowns surrounding you today, the Lord remains in control. He is watching over you, protecting you and blessing you. For all of us, this semester has not gone according to “our plan”; however, the Lord, just as he is over the lilies of the field and the waters of the oceans, is watching over you and is using you, even here, right where you are—be that back home with your family, at a friend’s house or on this campus.

My challenge for you right now is to take a few minutes and examine what you are fearful of. What is making you anxious? Acknowledge that before the Lord, and then re-read Psalm 29. Be reminded of his sovereignty over your life and your circumstances. Then recognize where you are physically located and ask the Lord to use you where he has placed you to encourage, support and serve those around you. May we be the Lord’s hands and feet to those around us, and may we be people of peace confident that he is Ruler over all.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

Looking for some encouragement during these uncertain times?
The Gordon worship teams have curated Spotify playlists full of hopeful and uplifting worship songs for the Gordon community.