Sharon Galgay Ketcham Awarded $75k Grant for Spiritual Formation Initiative

Professor of theology and Christian ministries Dr. Sharon Galgay Ketcham will spearhead a three-year plan to enrich spiritual formation at Gordon.
How to Find Peace of Mind in 2020

Because many of us are feeling extra fragile these days—physically, emotionally and spiritually— The Bell interviewed mindfulness teacher Lisa Varno ’07 about ways in which mindfulness can help us regain some strength and peace of mind.
“Overflow with Hope” Devotional | May 11

“Instead of striving to seize control over the chaos that exceeds the boundaries of our control, we are admonished to rather allow ourselves to be seized by the virtue of a transformative hope which does not fail,” writes Nathaniel Quartey ’21
“Overflow with Hope” Devotional | May 4

“We do not know what to do, but our eyes on you,” King Jehoshaphat prayed in II Chronicles. “Let this be our prayer in this season,” writes Arley Kangas ’20.
“Overflow with Hope” Devotional | April 27

“What would it look like for you to become disciplined with looking at the promises and big picture of God’s plan in your life?” writes Ireland Gibbs ’20.