Not far from campus, in the small town of Rowley, MA, Kelly Herrick ’18 grew up on her family’s 300-year-old farm, which is soon to make an appearance on the big screen as the subject of a documentary… Read More
Sarah Hague ’14 was recently hired as a caseworker for U.S. Representative Carolyn Maloney (NY-12). Hague began her work with Maloney as an intern as part of her master’s program practicum in August of 2015, and was hired five months later. “As… Read More
“Real adventures, real Christians, doing the real work of God,” high school junior Hannah Baldoz says of her Elevate experience. During the weeklong summer leadership lab at Gordon last year, Hannah’s team focused on bridging the social gap… Read More
Some traveled from as far as Pennsylvania and Mississippi earlier this month to celebrate their shared Gordon IN Orvieto memories as they once again experienced Maria Battistini’s one-of-a-kind Umbrian cuisine and spunk.
When professors take off a semester for sabbatical, where exactly do they go? The beach? Disneyland? Here, four Gordon professors who were on sabbatical this past fall share the details of their time away. Dan Darko, associate professor… Read More