Gordon College is pleased to welcome Dr. Nicholas Rowe as dean of student engagement. Dr. Rowe will focus on enhancing student leadership development and co-curricular learning. He will oversee campus activities (including the Gordon College Student Association and… Read More
The weather isn’t the only thing keeping D.C. hot this season. A historic presidential race has D.C.’s political climate boiling—and Reece Brown ’17 is living and working in the thick of it. As an intern at The Heritage… Read More
This summer, several student-faculty teams are tackling research projects in the arts and sciences—from asthma to accounting audits, bilingualism and women in leadership. Some are funded through the Provost’s Summer Research Fellowships, and others are individual projects. Throughout… Read More
The majority of students are off campus for the summer—pursuing internships, global seminars and mission opportunities—but a plethora of events bring guests from all over the world to Gordon.
Gordon alumnus Tim Lewis’ 08 launched the world premiere of his new film “Flesh and Blood” at the LA film festival Dances With Films this summer.