On the 125-year anniversary of Gordon’s first day of classes, theologian and author Dr. Os Guinness issued a stirring charge.
Question he’s most often asked: “Have you abandoned the Red Sox and become a Yankees fan?” Answer: “O ye of little faith.” As the chief information officer for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Theo Nicolakis is responsible… Read More
Sean Lovell and his wife, Duyen, began their overseas adventure on day one: their wedding day in Vietnam. After time at USC, where Sean earned a master’s degree in economics, and three years in New York, where he… Read More
Bill Park has been with State Street Bank and Trust Company for 18 years. He started in its Boston office, and in 2005 became Korea branch manager; at 33, he was the youngest country manager in the firm’s… Read More
As a systems engineer in Raytheon’s integrated defense systems division, Jane Eisenhauer works with radar systems that identify and track incoming targets (such as missiles). Before live tests of these radar systems, she conducts pre-mission simulations and analyzes… Read More