Churches across the country have quickly shifted operations to accommodate the new reality in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Two alumni pastors share how their congregations are “refocusing on what’s important.”
In our strange new reality of digital worship services, Matthew 18:20 still rings true: “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
After the search committee reviewed the applications of over 200 chaplain candidates from around the globe, Bob Whittet’s among them, the committee realized that the person they needed was already here.
Weeks deep into stay-at-home guidelines, you may be feeling a little restless. Why not try a new book? From politics and religion to books for young readers, check out this list of reads penned by Gordon authors.
“My challenge for you right now is to take a few minutes and examine what you are fearful of. What is making you anxious? Acknowledge that before the Lord, and then re-read Psalm 29. Be reminded of his sovereignty over your life and your circumstances.”