After 172 employers identified the majors they hire the most, NACE put together a list of the most desirable college majors. Of the top 10, five of them fall under the umbrella of business, and finance and accounting are the most desirable of the set.
Florence Price was told she had no place in classical music as an African American woman. But against the many odds present in her day and field, the musical pioneer created a space for herself.
Last Thursday evening, it wasn’t dinosaur skeletons and ancient pharaohs filling a wing of the Museum (of Science) with chatter; it was the burgeoning relationships between Gordon students and industry professionals.
Eighty-one years ago, you could walk into a tiny basement club in Greenwich Village (a.k.a. “The Wrong Place for the Right People”) and hear 23-year-old Billie Holiday end her set with a song called “Strange Fruit.”
Drawing from the words of Dr. Elaine Phillips, who spoke at last week’s CFI Wisdom Lecture, here are four ways we can go about living wisely and, by extension, encourage others to do the same.