This installment is part of a regular devotional series, “Deepening the Faith,” written by Gordon faculty and staff for the enrichment of the wider College community.
Having been awarded a Shared Justice Student-Faculty Research Prize, Paul Brink (political science) and Jordan Bellamy ’20 investigated the effects of the increasing housing prices on the North Shore of Massachusetts, specifically in the city of Lynn.
With guidance and encouragement from Sybil Coleman (social work), Kelly (Connolly) Palmer ’13, LMSW, is working toward God’s vision of justice—something she likens to shalom.
This installment is part of a regular devotional series, “Deepening the Faith,” written by Gordon faculty and staff for the enrichment of the wider College community.
In 2011, for the first time in Kilifi County, Kenya, parents of hearing-impaired children were saying, “I want to communicate with my child.” Julia Spruance’s 100 Signs for Parents in Kenya Sign-Language was their introduction.