“I believe the Church is the answer to our country’s and the world’s social issues,” says Andrea Polnaszek ’94, professional therapist and co-founder of the nonprofit organization Touched Twice United.
“Reflections for Holy Week”—daily devotionals written by Gordon College faculty and compiled by the Center for Faith and Inquiry (CFI)—was first published in the spring 2018 issue of STILLPOINT magazine.
“Reflections for Holy Week”—daily devotionals written by Gordon College faculty and compiled by the Center for Faith and Inquiry (CFI)—was first published in the spring 2018 issue of STILLPOINT magazine.
“Reflections for Holy Week”—daily devotionals written by Gordon College faculty and compiled by the Center for Faith and Inquiry (CFI)—was first published in the spring 2018 issue of STILLPOINT magazine.
More than 140 Gordon students gathered for the second annual Calling and Career Conference—a weekend of vocational exploration and professional development, organized by Gordon’s new Career and Connection Institute.