Alexander Lowry brings nearly 20 years in financial services and management consulting to his role as executive director of the Master of Science in Financial Analysis program, which begins January 2018.
Beginning this year, Gordon Plus will offer a series of options exclusively for qualified Gordon students who are either graduating in December or have a light spring semester load before their May graduation.
“Newroz” means “new day, new sun” in Kurdish—and that’s exactly what the revitalized Gordon Community Garden behind Barrington Center for the Arts promises to offer.
Their majors range from physics to biblical studies, and they bring experience in athletics, city government, missions and global startups. The 2017–18 Gordon Presidential Fellows will spend the year under the mentorship of College Cabinet officers.
“We’re studying how people understand forgiveness, what factors shape their understanding, and how it might affect the other facets of their life,” says Carter Crossett ’19 of the summer research project, “Campus as Moral Community: Contextual Understandings of… Read More