Gordon’s First-Year Fellows program comprises three cohorts: Venture Fellows, Justice Fellows and Ministry Fellows. Each is a one-year experiential program for a small group of students who were invited to apply during the Admissions process. Participants’ first year at Gordon presents many… Read More
This summer, research assistants Jenn Meakem ’19 and Mike D’Antuono ’18 (pictured right) helped Dr. Kristen Cooper (economics) and her co-authors, Professors Daniel Benjamin (University of Southern California), Ori Heffetz (Cornell University) and Miles Kimball (University of Colorado),… Read More
“My hope for the students’ participation is that their lives will be transformed in the decades to come as they learn to read Scripture through the added lens of geography,” says Dr. Elaine Phillips of the Israel Seminar.
The campus community will now enjoy a modified layout with new tables and chairs, renovated booths with Coy Pond views, new wood paneling along the walls, and two gas-powered fireplaces—along with a new name for the dining hall.
The allergy and inflammation satellite lab at Gordon is like “another home,” says Holly Huang ’18, a chemistry major (biochemistry concentration), “since I spend half the day here!” Understanding the biology of the eosinophil, a type of white… Read More