General Counsel to House Speaker Paul Ryan, Mark Epley ’89, returned to Gordon at as relevant of a time as ever. One year ago, Epley became senior advisor to the person third in line from the President. Epley… Read More
On the eve of quad break at Gordon, an eager crowd of students and locals gathered in Gregory Auditorium to listen to Phyllis Bennis—a prominent writer, activist and political analyst—discuss issues relating to the Middle East and the… Read More
Rarely do you get to meet the heroes who took part in exposing such huge stories as the Watergate scandal or the ordeal of the Chicago’s meatpacking plants. This past Monday evening, however, Gordon students got their chance…. Read More
“You have to understand the Great Book—capital G, B—Great Book before you understand other books. Because you won’t understand Shakespeare that alludes to the Bible 550 times, or other ancient sources, until you really know sacred Scripture.”
It was nearing Christmas when an Amica policyholder’s home went up in flames. The family’s trials and stresses were compounded by the loss of their children’s Christmas gifts. It was an opportunity for Amica to demonstrate one of… Read More