Each lab period this spring, an intrepid group of students left their books and backpacks at the door of Gordon’s new Anatomy and Physiology Lab, swapped their pencils for scalpels, donned lab coats and scrubs, and breathed in the scent of embalming fluid.
“Being an immigrant is not an easy task,” says Peruvian native Maria (Mapi) Latusky. “You start from zero and there are many challenges to overcome. However, you become stronger and more courageous. With perseverance, discipline, and hard work,… Read More
The more than 400 acres of woods and wetlands at the back of the Gordon campus, and in the adjacent Chebacco Woods, provide a habitat for rare organisms—and an alternative classroom for students.
Gordon Alumna Tania Green ’08 pitches her invention on the season finale of the ABC’s entrepreneurial show, Shark Tank.
“My science background is vital to understanding the climate, weather and ocean research going on at OAR, and to being able to write coherently and compellingly about that science,” says Melissa Pratt-Zossoungbo ’03, senior budget formulation analyst for NOAA.