Samantha Matthews, a senior from New Jersey, has spent the last few academic breaks creating opportunities to connect her art with the lives of others.
Gordon hosted the Economics of Global Poverty conference January 5-7. As billions worldwide struggle on $2 per day or less, the conference brought together gospel-informed scholars committed to rigorous research on addressing global poverty.
On a Friday in mid-December in the midst of the hustle and bustle of finals week, students gathered in Chester’s Place for a joint release party of Gordon’s two literary journals: Vox Populi and The Idiom. Each publication encourages the greater Gordon community to participate.
Gordon College is full of people from all over the United States, North America and the world, but how did they get there? Everyone has a reason. Lauren Arzbecker ’14 wanted to explore the world beyond her hometown of Pewaukee,… Read More
The transition from Bullard, TX to Wenham, MA is quite drastic: temperatures range from a high of 110 to below zero. But as Ed Link ’15 was finally getting used to the north, he had to pack up… Read More