Because the journeys of Mary, Joseph and the magi only take up a few sentences in the Bible, there is much left to our imagination. To understand the risks Mary and Joseph took to bring the Messiah into the world and the lengths the magi went to just to meet him, The Bell interviewed biblical geographer Nicole DePue ’08.
COVID-19 protocols posed a challenge to the Department of Music’s daily rhythms, but their creative adaptations meant they reached more audiences than ever.
In Part III of our Christmas Gift Guide, finish out 2020 by supporting causes that will make 2021 a better year for our neighbors, near and far.
Week three of La Vida’s Advent devotional series considers the question posed by Nathanael in John 1: “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?”
In Part II of our three-part Christmas Gift Guide designed to support the businesses and nonprofits of Gordon alumni, we have some stocking stuffers and grand gestures “yule” love.