Weeks deep into stay-at-home guidelines, you may be feeling a little restless. Why not try a new book? From politics and religion to books for young readers, check out this list of reads penned by Gordon authors.
“My challenge for you right now is to take a few minutes and examine what you are fearful of. What is making you anxious? Acknowledge that before the Lord, and then re-read Psalm 29. Be reminded of his sovereignty over your life and your circumstances.”
Holy Week | Day 08. The 2020 installment of “Reflections for Holy Week”—daily devotionals written by Gordon College students—was published in the spring issue of STILLPOINT magazine: “Generation Gordon.”
Holy Week | Day 07. The 2020 installment of “Reflections for Holy Week”—daily devotionals written by Gordon College students—was published in the spring issue of STILLPOINT magazine: “Generation Gordon.”
Holy Week | Day 06. The 2020 installment of “Reflections for Holy Week”—daily devotionals written by Gordon College students—was published in the spring issue of STILLPOINT magazine: “Generation Gordon.”