These days, a modern family is more complex than the screen-written characters seen on TV. Many families now include a loved one who came to the United States from another homeland. So when President Obama announced a new immigration policy in a televised address Thursday, we went straight to Ruth Melkonian-Hoover, chair of Gordon’s Department of Political Science, for comment about the nature of Obama’s announcement and the impact it might have on the future. Read her “Reflection on the News” here >>
R. Judson Carlberg, who served Gordon College for 35 years, including nearly 20 years as its president, died early Thursday morning, November 20, at the Kaplan Family Hospice House in Danvers, Massachusetts, after a battle with cancer. He was 74.
R. Judson Carlberg, who served Gordon College for 35 years, including nearly 20 years as its president, has died. Surrounded by loved ones, he passed away early Thursday morning, November 20, at the Kaplan Family Hospice House in Danvers, Massachusetts, after a battle with cancer.
Modeled on the highly competitive, highly effective White House Fellowship, the Gordon College Presidential Fellows Program affords Gordon students the chance to work directly with one of the College’s Cabinet officers, who mentors the student through a yearlong fellowship.
After reading a National Geographic article on brains, monkeys and wheelchairs, we asked Dr. Bryan Auday to comment for a new series on The Bell titled, “Faculty Reflections on the News.” Read more >>