Reflections on Thriving: A Song Set Free

The Eurasian Redwing Thrush is nondescript, any way you cut it. Modest. Unremarkable. Ordinary…But as an ecologist and ornithologist, I know that the Redwing Thrush, like every other species, is defined more deeply not by its appearance, but by its relationships, behaviors and habits.
Georgetown’s Steven Harris Explores Christian Fugitivity at Center for Faith and Inquiry Event

In the second Center for Faith and Inquiry lecture of the academic year, Steven Harris, a faith-based public policy expert and scholar of American religious history and African American studies, explored what we can learn from contradictions in American Christian history and the formation of what has been termed “the black church.”
Reflections on Thriving: A Time to Thrive

Perhaps it’s being a born and raised New Englander, or my fondness for Solomon’s wisdom poetry in Ecclesiastes 3, that I am accustomed to the language and preparation for the changing seasons.