An Inside Look at Prison Life in America

Six years ago today, Lee became a free man after 13 years in a medium-security prison in Norfolk, MA, and the world was not the same as he’d left it.
Peace in Politics: How to Have Fruitful Dialogue Across Party Lines

As the 2020 election approaches, so do opportunities to turn partisan squabbles into moments of personal growth.
Redefining What it Means to be a Student-athlete in an Unusual Season

Athletics look different in a season of pandemic, so Alex Park ’21 and a classmate found a creative way to inspire personal and professional growth among student-athletes.
Gordon Remembers the Life of Beloved Local Leader Jack Good ’66

Known best for his caring and giving spirit, venerable alumnus John “Jack” L. Good, III, Class of 1966, passed away at age 77 on Sunday, October 18.
Speaking the Language of Ministry

Dr. Jeff Stevenson, associate teaching professor of Spanish arrives at Gordon to share the joy of language-learning and the power of co-vocational ministry.