Georgetown’s Steven Harris Explores Christian Fugitivity at Center for Faith and Inquiry Event

In the second Center for Faith and Inquiry lecture of the academic year, Steven Harris, a faith-based public policy expert and scholar of American religious history and African American studies, explored what we can learn from contradictions in American Christian history and the formation of what has been termed “the black church.”
Dr. Judith Dean Delivers CFI’s Fourth Annual John Mason Lecture
“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times,” said Dr. Judith Dean, opening the Center for Faith and Inquiry’s fourth annual John Mason Lecture with a quote from Charles Dickens’ famed A Tale of… Read More
A Week with the Right Reverend: N. T. Wright as Visiting Scholar in the Humanities

Gordon welcomed N. T. Wright, one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars, for a week-long visit to campus as the 2017–18 Malcolm Reid Distinguished Visiting Scholar in the Humanities.
An Interview with N.T. Wright: Part 2

During N. T. Wright’s recent visit to campus, The Bell had a chance to sit down with the renowned theologian, scholar and author. This is Part II of a two-part interview with N. T. Wright.