Gordon Streaming | Part III: Music and Podcasts

In this final installment of the “Gordon Streaming” series, The Bell introduces you a talented group of podcast hosts, songwriters and musicians. One is a beloved professor, and the rest are Gordon alumni. Happy listening!

Gordon Streaming | Part II: Television

In Part II of the Gordon Streaming series, you’ll meet sitcom-writers, visual effects artists and a beloved Gordon comedian who has made his way to Netflix and HBO.

Gordon Streaming | Part 1: Film

This week, we’re highlighting more than 20 alumni (and one professor) who’ve made names for themselves in the entertainment industry. Read Part I to meet alumni involved in filmmaking.

Confronting an Invisible Illness, Part II

After years of mysterious pain, inconclusive testing and an arduous pursuit of healing, Keanna Smigliani ’21 finds medical answers and meaning in her experience.

Confronting an Invisible Illness, Part I

Mysterious pain brought Keanna Smigliani’s running career to an abrupt finish and ushered in the long-distance race of getting a formal diagnosis.