“Overflow with Hope” Devotional | April 6

Each Monday during this season of remote living and learning, the Chapel Office is sharing a devotional written by a member of the Gordon community. When it Hurts to Hope By Jessica Vandervort ’20 I wonder what it was… Read More
“Overflow with Hope” Devotional | March 30

“As we all process the state of the world, may we too do it in the context of faith, trust and hope in God. We can grieve the losses caused by this pandemic and we can struggle to rebuild a routine and find a new normal, but let’s do this still saying, ‘[the LORD] is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust’ (Psalm 91:2).”
“Overflow with Hope” Devotional | March 23

Here is what we cling to: In the midst of it all, God is present. God still goes before us. When we look at a map of the world, every single place is known by God and present to God. God is present.