Findings: Taking Students’ Art into the Community

Findings is a collaborative gallery created by Gordon art students and seasoned members of Gordon’s arts community. This year, five sophomore art majors and three mentors are presenting works.

Gordon Launches New Master of Science in Financial Analysis

Gordon’s new Master of Science in Financial Analysis program launched Monday night with a celebratory dinner for its inaugural cohort, and its first class.

Is Faith More Powerful Than the “Big C”?: Renowned Oncologist and Visiting Scholar Demystifies Cancer

Dr. Ken Bishop ’98 is a Gordon alumnus, a professor at Brown University and a doctor. As an oncologist, Dr. Bishop has devoted much of his life to studying “the big c,” and he’s coming to Gordon several… Read More

Gordon Alumnus Publishes A. J. Gordon Biography

Kevin Belmonte ’90 did something that hasn’t been done in 121 years: he published a comprehensive biography about A. J. Gordon, founder of Gordon College and prolific 19th-century Christian thinker.

Making Strides in Medical Research, One Step at a Time

verna curfman

Verna Curfman ’17 and John Yoon ’14 were recently recognized for their research in the labs of Duke University, with their names appearing in an article published by The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.