4 Ways to Live with More Wisdom

Drawing from the words of Dr. Elaine Phillips, who spoke at last week’s CFI Wisdom Lecture, here are four ways we can go about living wisely and, by extension, encourage others to do the same.
6 Takeaways from the 2019 Herrmann Lectures

Through three lectures, Dr. Praveen Sethupathy examined questions of science, faith and the accompanying ethical questions, ultimately asking, “What does it mean to be human?”
Symposium Speaker Finds Hope Amidst Greek Refugee Crisis

At Symposium, Greek expat Dr. Christine Palmer delivered the Richard Gross Keynote Address, speaking from personal experience to describe the impacts of the Greek refugee crisis and where Christianity fits in.
Dr. Ivan Satyavrata Discusses Christianity in the Majority World

Dr. Ivan Satyavrata, senior pastor of the largest church in Kolkata, India, challenged Gordon community’s conception of Christianity in the Majority World during two Chapel sessions and the Princemere Forum last week.