How Small Details Have Major Meaning in the Book of Job

From the foreboding, scorching east wind to stolen camels, the 2022 Tak Yan Lee lecture by Dr. Elaine Phillips explored the meaning behind details in the Book of Job.
What Inspired a Shepherd Boy to Take on a Giant

In revisiting the life of David, Dr. Ivan Satyavrata provided a roadmap for how any person can be courageous in a moment or season of great fear, no matter how intimidating the opponent.
Redefining Bravery in 2021

People who demonstrate great bravery have been glorified as heroes in almost every culture and time period. From Japanese samurai to American cowboys to comic book superheroes, these iconic figures have shown us various ways of overcoming fear through combat, strategy and brute strength.
Easter Devotional: High King of Heaven, My Victory Won

What drew the women back to the tomb through waves of heart-stopping terror? The psalms they probably sung as Jesus entered Jerusalem reflected their cultural memory of God’s unchanging truths.
Good Friday Devotional: Our Great High Priest

Isaiah’s Messianic vision became incarnate through Jesus Christ—the Savior of all humankind who was fully human and yet without sin, and who in the midst of suffering was the exalted Redeemer.